Aware that it has a social responsibility to protect and ensure the reliability of personal information, Neturen Co., Ltd. is committed to compliance with the “Act concerning Protection of Personal Information” and other relevant laws and ordinances and makes every effort to protect personal information based on the policy set out below.
Neturen Co., Ltd. acquires personal information (e.g. Addresses, names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses) by legally-compliant and fair means.
Such information is used only as far as is required for the corporate activities of Neturen Co., Ltd. with the scope of usage stipulated at the time of acquisition.
In the event that Neturen Co., Ltd. shares personal information with third parties or consigns the handling of such information to third parties, the third parties concerned are first subjected to thorough investigation and screening, and, if necessary, agreements are concluded with such entities and impartial supervision performed to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
Unless stipulated by laws and ordinances, Neturen Co., Ltd. does not disclose personal information to third parties with the prior consent of the persons to whom such information applies.
Neturen Co., Ltd. maintains the accuracy of and implements the safe management of personal information.
To prevent events such as the leakage, alteration, loss, damage or illegal usage of personal information, Neturen Co., Ltd. implements appropriate information security measures against phenomena including illegal access and computer viruses.
Neturen Co., Ltd. recognizes that owners of personal information have the right to disclose, amend, discontinue usage of or delete such information and promptly comply with requests from such owners to do so.
Click here for concrete details of procedures.
Persons having opinions or questions regarding the handling of personal information by Neturen Co., Ltd. should contact the company’s personal information advice center.
As well as appointing a personal information protection manager, Neturen Co., Ltd. has established a personal information protection compliance program, which is disseminated to the company’s directors, employees and all other relevant persons and which the company makes every effort to implement, maintain and continually improve this policy.
Oval Court Ohsaki Mark West, 2-17-1 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8639
Planning and Legal Affairs Section, Planning and Coordination Department,Administrative Headquarters
Neturen Co., Ltd. protects and manages personal information acquired from its customers in accordance with the regulations below based on the Neturen Privacy Policy.
- For the purpose of these regulations, the term “personal Information” is defined as any of the information below that identifies individual customers.
- Information acquired from customers on the course of sales activities, etc.
- Information acquired from customers on the course of sales activities, etc.
- Neturen Co., Ltd. uses personal information only within the scope necessary to achieve the objectives listed below.
- Contact regarding business consultations and meetings with customers (sending e-mail, regular mail, faxes, making telephone and visits)
- Analysis for the purpose of improving products, services, etc.
- Customer questionnaires and analysis of the same
- The provision of personal information to relevant Neturen group companies for the purpose of the implementation of corporate activities together with such companies.
- With the exception of cases in which customers concerned have given their prior consent, Neturen Co., Ltd. does not provide personal information to third parties. However, in the circumstances listed below, Neturen Co., Ltd. shall be entitled to provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of customers concerned.
- When provision of personal information is based on legal provisions
- When the provision of personal information to third parties is necessary to protect human life and limb or property and obtaining the consent from customers concerned is difficult.
- When Neturen Co., Ltd. is obliged to cooperate with the implementation of business by government organizations, local governments or entities receiving requests from the same and obtaining the consent of customers concerned may hinder said implementation of business.
- Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, Neturen Co., Ltd. shall be entitled to share personal information with entities including its divisions, sales departments, affiliated companies and third parties to which it outsources business, etc., within the scope necessary to achieve the objectives listed in Item 2 above.
- The personal information of customers owned by Neturen Co., Ltd. comprises names, company names, positions, department names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
- Customers wishing to confirm, amend, make additions to or discontinue usage of their personal information may do so following the procedure detailed below.
Information on Procedures relating to the Disclosure of Personal Data owned by Neturen Co., Ltd.
- Enquiries regarding the handling of personal information should be directed as follows.
Planning and Legal Affairs Section, Planning and Coordination Department, Administrative Headquarters
Oval Court Osaki Mark West, 2-17-1 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8639
Please send enquiries by regular mail to the Personal Information Advice Center following the procedure detailed below.
Please download the application format from the list below or contact the Personal Information Advice Center.
Handling charge prescribed by Neturen Co., Ltd.
Request format prescribed by Neturen Co., Ltd.
- For application by the person concerned ------ One of the following
- Personal identification documents
- Copy of driver’s license
- Copy of passport
- Copy of health insurance certificate
- Copy of pension book
- Personal identification documents
- .For application by proxy ------ The 3 items listed below
- Personal identification documents (One of the items to the right)
- Copy of driver’s license
- Copy of passport
- Copy of health insurance certificate
- Copy of pension book
- Personal identification of the proxy (One of the items to the right)
- Copy of driver’s license
- Copy of passport
- Copy of health insurance certificate
- Copy of pension book
- Document confirming the relationship with the person subject to disclosure of information (One of the items to the right)
- Official copy of family register
- Certificate of registered matters of guardian
- Letter of consignment
- Personal identification documents (One of the items to the right)