To remain a company that stakeholders trust and grows sustainably, we strive to ensure the transparency and fairness of management and to build a governance system that incorporates appropriate monitoring and supervisory functions.

Basic Approach to Corporate Governance

To "enhance corporate value through harmony and coexistence with shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, and local communities," Neturen positions corporate governance as one of the "most important management functions to ensure management transparency and fairness.Based on recognizing this, we will focus on speeding up and streamlining decision-making in management and developing a system to strengthen supervision of how we conduct business, with the aim of becoming a company that can grow sustainably into the future.
To further strengthen our corporate governance, we have introduced an executive officer system effective June 25, 2021 with the following three objectives: (1) To increase management transparency, mobility, and corporate value by separating the management decision-making and supervisory functions from the business execution functions; (2) to review the number of directors and composition of the Board of Directors, and increase the ratio of outside directors in order to enhance the depth, accuracy, and speed of decision-making and to further strengthen supervision of business execution; and (3) to clarify the authorities and responsibilities related to carrying out business and establish a system that can respond appropriately, quickly, and dynamically to changes in the business environment surrounding the Group.
In addition, we responded to the new disclosure items, etc. of the Corporate Governance Code revised in June 2021.In this context, a skills matrix of directors, auditors and executive officers was published in December 2021 to ascertain the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

*1 The Board of Corporate Auditors, Accounting Auditors and Internal Audit Office have a system of mutual cooperation from audit planning to reporting.

*2 Departments are the Administration Department, Human Resources Department, Business Development Department, Procurement Department, Quality Assurance Department,  Research and Development Center, and Production Engineering Development Department.

Corporate Governance Structure


To ensure that all officers and employees undertake corporate activities using high ethical standards, we have developed a Code of Business Ethics and Compliance Regulations to ensure that all officers and employees comply with laws and regulations, and we are working to strengthen compliance through establishing and operating various programs.In addition, we have set up internal and external compliance helpline consultation services, and operate them while strictly protecting the privacy of consultants and eliminating disadvantage to people who use them.
In FY2021, we conducted quarterly compliance education for general employees on timely themes, as well as training for managers at each site by reviewing past cases and other information.In addition, a human rights policy was formulated and enacted in April 2022 to promote understanding and penetration of the concept of respect for human rights.

Frequency of committee meetings: Four times a year (regularly scheduled)

Compliance Committee Structure Chart

Risk Management

The Neturen Group has established "Risk Management Basic Regulations" and "Affiliate Company Management Regulations," and the Administration Division’s Administration Department serves as the secretariat to promote company-wide risk management.Aiming to establish a business continuity plan (BCP) for possible risks, in FY2021 we subdivided the criteria for cost and frequency of occurrence in the risk assessment phase.At the start of FY2022, new items will be added and a reassessment will be completed.

BCP Conceptual Diagram
BCP Conceptual Diagram