Neturen engages in a variety of initiatives in its relationships with customers, suppliers, local communities, and other stakeholders.In addition, as a global company, we have established a new human rights policy for 2022.Furthermore, based on the 15th Mid-Term Management Plan, we are focusing our efforts on human resources.
Neturen aims to improve customer satisfaction by providing high-quality products and services based on its advanced technological capabilities and by stimulating communication.
With the objectives of improving the quality of management, properly developing and operating internal controls, and realizing the Group's management philosophy, we have positioned TQM*1 activities at the core of our management and linked them to management improvement through the PDCA cycle.Through implementing preventive measures, we strive to prevent the occurrence of nonconformities and operate a quality assurance system based on the "Quality Assurance Regulations," acquiring the international quality assurance standard ISO9001 (all business sites have obtained this certification) and IATF16949*2 certification.In FY2021, there was one major quality issue.
To reaffirm the importance of heating temperatures in heat treatment operations, visual temperature measurement training for all plant employees has been conducted since FY 2018.The goal is for all employees to master visual temperature measurement techniques to an accuracy of ±25°C.
In addition, the Specialty Steel & Wire Products Division and the IH (Induction Heating) Division's Processing Department continue to conduct "customer satisfaction surveys" of major customers and link the results of the responses to improvements.
- We will always provide high-quality products and services to satisfy our customers.
- To this end, all of us will continually strive to develop new technologies and improve to reach higher standards.

*1 Abbreviation for Total Quality Management
*2 International quality management system standards for the automotive industry
Quality Assurance System Chart
Neturen strengthens cooperation with suppliers and implements open and fair procurement that contributes to social development and reducing environmental burdens.Procurement and quality assurance personnel visit suppliers of raw materials, equipment fabrication, and parts manufacturing to check work procedures and quality processes, and provide audits and guidance on occupational safety, quality, legal compliance, and QC (quality control) methods.New suppliers are subject to supplier certification audits to confirm quality control, workplace environment, and management status.To ensure proper dealings with suppliers, we hold study sessions on the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, etc. to Subcontractors and make efforts to comply with laws and regulations.
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- Transportation liaison meetings held jointly by Neturen and carriers to provide training on safe operation and compliance
In April 2022, the Neturen Group established the Neturen Group Human Rights Policy to promote respect for human rights in business.This policy was established based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights formulated by the United Nations Human Rights Council and advice from experts as part of our sustainability efforts.
The Neturen Group aims to revolutionize many industries and contribute to people's lives and safety through IH (induction heating) technology.We are keenly aware of the importance of respecting the human rights of people as we fulfill this role in society, and we will work to respect human rights in all our business activities in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
In addition, based on the concept of the "Neturen Group Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics," we shall comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules in all corporate activities, and respect social ethics.We will fulfill our corporate social responsibility by developing people and aiming to be a vibrant corporate group, while keeping safety and health as the foundation of our operations.
Neturen aims to create a safe workplace culture with the goal of zero accidents and zero illnesses, based on the Neturen Basic Policy on Occupational Safety and Health and the Basic Philosophy of Respect for Human Beings set forth by the Zero Accident Promotion Department of the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association.In addition, to build a global safety and health management system as a mechanism for safety and health management, we have introduced and deployed the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) qualified under the JISHA Method, which is implemented by the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association.In FY2021, there were zero cases of serious injuries and six cases of minor or slight injuries in occupational accidents.
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- Occupational Accident Statistics
Neturen's basic CSR policy is "coexistence with local communities," and we are striving for mutual understanding with local communities through information disclosure and activities at each of our plants and offices based on the basic concept of "becoming more open to the local community.”
Academic research is conducted in cooperation with eight universities and technical colleges, and we accept university and technical college students for internships and practical work and training.We are also involved in the promotion of local sports, and in FY2022 we sponsored Iwaki FC, a professional soccer club in the area where the Iwaki Plant operates.Furthermore, on the occasion of the establishment of the Human Rights Policy, we presented a donation catalog to the Japanese Red Cross Society in August 2022 for the purpose of overseas relief funds.
We will continue to actively collaborate with the community and fulfill our responsibilities as a company.
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- Presentation of catalog to the Japanese Red Cross Society
In Strategy 4 of the 15th Mid-Term Management Plan, Neturen has set forth the three pillars of "producing human resources that will strengthen the Group's sales and marketing capabilities on a global basis," namely, "achieving diversity," "realizing diverse workstyles," and "developing skilled human resources.”To create a lively work environment that fosters a willingness to make voluntary contributions and supports the career development of each and every employee, the following initiatives were implemented in FY2021.
Neturen plans to promote the development of multi-skilled human resources over a period of approximately ten years.With the aim of improving skills, we have restarted our efforts to develop skill maps, which will serve as the basis for managing and applying IH human resource information, which began in FY2020.First, a template for a skill map was created for each department, with the IH (Induction Heating) Division as the main focus.After clarifying individual skills, we will work with on-the-job training and training to improve skills.This is intended to clarify the skills required by the organization and individuals, and to visualize "skills to be complemented = skills to be taught."Systematization and company-wide rollout is planned for FY2024.
In addition, rank-specific training for the three levels of "new managers," "assistant section chief," and "leaders" combined classroom lectures and group exercises to consolidate knowledge and raise awareness.The group exercises included work teaching practice with practical skills.In addition, step-up training sessions were held with outside instructors, and 70 employees participated in these sessions with the aim of raising the level of their skills.
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- Human Resource Development Training (Hand Tools Dojo)
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- Identify the skills to be complemented = trained by clarifying the intermediate category skills required for each department and the subcategory skills required for each individual, in that order.
Types of IH Human Resource Information Management Tools

*1 Middle Management *2 Foreman *3 Assistant
Human resource development system that links learning to practice
Neturen is working to spread and establish telecommuting in relevant departments due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact.We are also working on paperless offices and workflow improvements to realize diverse workstyles.
In addition, we are working to promote the use of annual paid leave.At the plant, the number of days for taking leave is limited due to labor-hour management, but we will work to create an environment that makes it easier for employees to take leave.
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- Data related to work-life balance (FY2021)
Neturen continuously undertakes technical exchanges with overseas offices to develop engineers who have a global perspective.The IH (Induction Heating) Division's Electric Department regularly holds engineer training technical exchange meetings at its bases in Korea and China.Engineers from Korea and China have been accepted for training (not implemented in FY2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
We also have an overseas trainee system to develop our personnel around the world.Since October 2020, we have been sending young employees to Neturen America Corporation [USA] as overseas trainees.
Also, in order to further realize diversity, we are encouraging male employees to participate in childcare and nursing care, as the law has been revised.In addition, diversity training sessions are held as needed to achieve the goal of doubling the number of female managers.We will continue our efforts to create an internal environment that respects the individual and to spread awareness.
Action Plan (Goals) under the Law for the Promotion of Women's Career Activities
(April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2026)
- More than double the number of female managers by the end of March 2026. (Compared to March 31, 2022)
- Promote the use of an average of 10 days of annual paid leave per year
- Enhance systems related to childcare and nursing care, and create an environment that makes them easy to use.
With the aim of broadening horizons and internal connections, an information exchange meeting was held with mid-career and newly hired female employees in charge of general affairs and accounting (November 2021).
Participants: 7 from IH (Induction Heating) Division, 4 from Specialty Steel & Wire Products Division, 2 from Headquarters